- Michelin GidsCastle Kennedy GardensCastle Kennedy
- Michelin GidsRobert Burns Birthplace MuseumAlloway
- Michelin GidsTweed ValleyMoffat
- Michelin GidsRobert Burns CentreDumfries
- Michelin GidsNew Abbey Corn MillNew Abbey
- Michelin GidsMidsteepleDumfries
- Michelin GidsBurns StatueDumfries
- Michelin GidsKirkmadrine Church and stonesSandhead
- Michelin GidsWhithorn MuseumWhithorn
- Michelin GidsMuseum of Lead MiningWanlockhead
- Michelin GidsSweetheart AbbeyNew Abbey
- Michelin GidsTolbooth Art CentreKirkcudbright
- Michelin GidsLogan Botanic GardenPort Logan
- Michelin GidsColvin FountainMoffat
- Michelin GidsMoffat MuseumMoffat
- Michelin GidsCarlisle CastleCarlisle
- Michelin GidsCrossraguel AbbeyMaybole
- Michelin GidsThreave CastleCastle Douglas
- Michelin GidsRobert Burns HouseDumfries
- Michelin GidsGalloway Forest ParkNewton Stewart
- Michelin GidsHigh StreetKirkcudbright
- Michelin GidsDrumlanrig CastleThornhill
- Michelin GidsDevorgilla BridgeDumfries
- Michelin GidsTam o'Shanter InnAyr
- Michelin GidsRuthwell CrossRuthwell
- Michelin GidsWhithorn Priory Visitor CentreWhithorn
- Michelin GidsCardoness CastleGatehouse of Fleet
- Michelin GidsMacLellan's CastleKirkcudbright
- Michelin GidsBurns MausoleumDumfries
- Michelin GidsEcclefechan CemeteryEcclefechan
- Michelin GidsLincluden Collegiate ChurchDumfries
- Michelin GidsThreave GardenCastle Douglas
- Michelin GidsDundrennan AbbeyDundrennan
- Michelin GidsDumfries MuseumDumfries
- Michelin GidsGreyfriars KirkKirkcudbright
- Michelin GidsCaerlaverock CastleBankend
- Michelin GidsCandida CasaWhithorn
- Michelin GidsBroughton HouseKirkcudbright
- Michelin GidsOld Bridge House MuseumDumfries
- Michelin GidsCarlisle CathedralCarlisle
- Michelin GidsCockermouth Wordsworth HouseCockermouth
- Michelin GidsChurch of St Cuthbert with St MaryCarlisle
- Michelin GidsMoffat House HotelMoffat
- Michelin GidsTithe BarnCarlisle
- Michelin GidsGlenluce AbbeyGlenluce
- Michelin GidsCulzean CastleMaybole
- Michelin GidsThomas Carlyle's BirthplaceEcclefechan
- Michelin GidsStewartry MuseumKirkcudbright
- Michelin GidsGrey Mare's TailMoffat