- Michelin GidsCathedral of St StephenMetz
- Michelin GidsDeutsche AlpenstraßeeLindau im Bodensee
- Michelin GidsPark SanssouciPotsdam
- Michelin GidsPalace of Fairs (Veletržní Palác)- Museum of Modern and Contemporary ArtPraha
- Michelin GidsElbphilharmonieHambourg
- Michelin GidsDresden Palace: Historic Green VaultDresden
- Michelin GidsMullerthal
- Michelin GidsOld City: JosefovPraha
- Michelin GidsCathedralKöln
- Michelin GidsNeuschwanstein CastleNeuschwanstein
- Michelin GidsHochschwarzwaldFreiburg im Breisgau
- Michelin GidsMalá StranaPraha
- Michelin GidsPrague CastlePraha
- Michelin GidsPompidou-Metz CentreMetz
- Michelin GidsPergamon MuseumBerlin
- Michelin GidsPrague Castle: St Guy'sPraha
- Michelin GidsPlace StanislasNancy
- Michelin GidsPrague Old Jewish CemeteryPraha
- Michelin GidsAlsace Wine RouteColmar
- Michelin GidsEuropa-ParkRust
- Michelin GidsOld City: Theatre of States and CarolinumPraha 1
- Michelin GidsMecklenburg LakesMecklenburgische-Seenplatte
- Michelin GidsMuseum of Fine Art of ZurichZürich
- Michelin GidsOld City: Church of Our Lady of TynPraha
- Michelin GidsCathedral Church of St. Mauritius and St KatharinaMagdeburg
- Michelin GidsSt-Agnes of Bohemia ConventPraha
- Michelin GidsAltstadt, GoslarGoslar
- Michelin GidsLázeňská colonnadeMariánské Lázne
- Michelin GidsMosel ValleyTrier
- Michelin GidsCharles BridgePraha 1
- Michelin GidsHunerkogelRamsau
- Michelin GidsOld City: Old City SquarePraha 1
- Michelin GidsZugspitzeEhrwald
- Michelin GidsSchwarzwaldKarlsruhe
- Michelin GidsKarlstejn CastleKarlštejn
- Michelin GidsSanssouci PalacePotsdam
- Michelin GidsZwinger PalaceDresden
- Michelin GidsPrague Astronomical ClockPraha
- Michelin GidsLe HohneckXonrupt-Longemer
- Michelin GidsPrague National TheatrePraha 1
- Michelin GidsHeidelberg CastleHeidelberg
- Michelin GidsCastles along the River RhineKoblenz
- Michelin GidsGrand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art (Mudam)Luxembourg
- Michelin GidsHamburger KunsthalleHamburg
- Michelin GidsPrague Old TownPraha
- Michelin GidsExchange (sculpture by Richard Serra)Luxembourg
- Michelin GidsDeutsches MuseumMünchen
- Michelin GidsMuseum IslandBerlin
- Michelin GidsDresden CastleDresden
- Michelin GidsNew City: Wenceslas SquarePraha
- Einde van de resultaten -