- Michelin GidsLoughcrew Passage GravesKells
- Michelin GidsCathedral of Christ the KingMullingar
- Michelin GidsThymeAthlone
- Michelin GidsChurch of Saints Peter and PaulAthlone
- The Little White HouseTyrrellspass9.6
- Michelin GidsSt Mel's CathedralLongford
- Michelin GidsBelvedere House and GardensMullingar
- The Speak Easy Cottage Multyfarnham -Two BedroomMultyfarnham10.0
- 4 The MewsAthlone9.3
- Michelin GidsKilbeggan Distillery ExperienceKilbeggan
- Pauleens Peaceful PlaceRochfortbridge9.7
- Bartholomew's Loft at JohnsfortRáistín9.9
- Shannonside - Stylish 5 Bed Marina home & 40ft mooringTermonbarry9.6
- Sarahs Cottage at Pheasant LaneRáistín8.5
- Lir LodgeCastlepollard9.5
- Greenway GuesthouseMullingar9.2
- Michelin GidsAthlone CastleAthlone
- Michelin GidsLongford City centreLongford
- Port Heron LodgeAthlone9.9
- Michelin GidsFore Abbey and its Seven WondersFore
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