Palace Quay
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Een bezoek waard
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
Palace Quay owes its name to the tsars' residence, the Winter Palace, whose north façade stretches along the Neva for nearly 250m. The succession of aristocratic palaces makes it undeniably the most beautiful quay in St Petersburg. Note Kantemir Palace with its Egyptian atlantes (n° 8); the new St Michael's Palace (n° 18), a blend of Baroque and neo-Renaissance styles; the Florentine inspired palace of the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (n° 26); and lastly, the buildings that make up the Hermitage: the theatre (n° 32), the Old Hermitage, the Little Hermitage and the Winter Palace.
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