Haein-sa Temple

Michelin Gids
De reis waard
Religieus monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
The temple, whose name evokes "the state of consciousness of the spirit", was founded in 802 on the magnificent wooded and rocky slopes of Mt Gaya. Today it is one of the most visited temples in the country. A visit to Haein-sa makes sense as a chance to see an almost hidden treasure: the Tripitaka Koreana, a holy book made up of some 50 million ideograms engraved on more than 80 000 wooden tablets (13C)! A gem listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Praktische informatie
+82 55-934-3140
122, Haeinsa-gil, Gaya-myeon, Hapcheon-gunDaegu
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