Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
This robust, square tower with crenellations and corner bartizans is a vestige of the lost fortified castle that was built by King Dinis and home to the first Duke of Bragança, the illegitimate son of King João I. Today, it houses the Museu Militar, with its displays of ancient weapons and armour. It also evokes the First World War (machine guns, uniforms) and the colonial wars (Portuguese and indigenous weapons). Panoramic views of the city, the ramparts and the plain from the platform at the top.
Praktische informatie
+351 276 340 500
L.go da Câmara Municipal de Chaves
5400 Chaves
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