- Michelin GidsTemple of HibisKhârga
- Michelin GidsWadi el-Seboua SiteAbou Simbel
- Michelin GidsTemple of Rameses IIGirga
- Michelin GidsTemple of KhnumEsna
- Michelin GidsRamesseumLouxor
- Michelin GidsValley of the QueensLouxor
- Michelin GidsTell el-AmarnaDeir Mawas
- Michelin GidsImhotep MuseumSaqqara
- Michelin GidsLuxor corniceLouxor
- Michelin GidsTemple of Seti ILouxor
- Michelin GidsBent PyramidDachour
- Michelin GidsAmada SiteAbou Simbel
- Michelin GidsTemples of KarnakLouxor
- Michelin GidsLuxor Mummification MuseumLouxor
- Michelin GidsLake NasserAssouan
- Michelin GidsThe White DesertFarafra
- Michelin GidsKarnak Open Air MuseumLouxor
- Michelin GidsTemple of Sethi IGirga
- Michelin GidsMedinet HabuLouxor
- Michelin GidsGreat Temple of Abu SimbelAbou Simbel
- Michelin GidsTombs of the NoblesSaqqara
- Michelin GidsLuxor TempleLouxor
- Michelin GidsEl-DushKhârga
- Michelin GidsThe Black DesertFarafra
- Michelin GidsPyramid of Amenemhat IIIDachour
- Michelin GidsHatshepsut's TempleLouxor
- Michelin GidsLuxor MuseumLouxor
- Michelin GidsTemple of HathorDendérah
- Michelin GidsValley of the NoblesLouxor
- Michelin GidsGreat Temple of AmunLouxor
- Michelin GidsTemple of Rameses IIILouxor
- Michelin GidsDenderaDendérah
- Michelin GidsValley of the KingsLouxor
- Michelin GidsTemple of Hathor at Abu SimbelAbou Simbel
- Michelin GidsNorth PyramidDachour
- Michelin GidsAbydosGirga
- Michelin GidsColossi of MemnonLouxor
- Michelin GidsQasr el-GhoueitaKhârga
- Michelin GidsDashurDahchour
- Michelin GidsNecropolis of BagawatKhârga
- Michelin GidsNile CruiseLouxor
- Michelin GidsDeir el-MedinaLouxor
- Michelin GidsPyramid of Amenemhat IIDachour